1. book published in 2010: Youth, Religion and Ethics. Reflexões teológico-práticas sobre a pesquisa "Perfil da Juventude na PUC-Rio", realizada no período 2005-2006 junto ao CERIS - Centro de Estatística Religiosa e Investigações Sociais com comentarios elaborados por professores do Departamento de Teologia, tanto da CRE como da Graduação.

PEDROSA-PADUA, Lúcia and MELLO, Zeca (orgs.). Juventude, Religião e Ética: Reflexões teológico-práticas sobre a pesquisa "Perfil da Juventude na PUC-Rio". Rio de Janeiro: Ed. PUC-Rio, 2010, with the following chapters:

2. Book published in 2010: "The Human and the Religious Phenomenon, the first of the series of three basic books for the CRE courses.

PEDROSA-PÁDUA, Lucia. The Human and the Religious Phenomenon. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. PUC-Rio, 2010.


3. Book published in 2018: Religious Culture: dialogues. Collection of articles that have been published by the professors of Religious Culture over the 10 years of the CREativity Magazine. This work contemplates texts from the four disciplines of CRE and were distributed in two blocks: a) The Human and the Religious Phenomenon and Christianity; b) Christian Ethics and Socio-environmental Ethics and Human Rights.

SILVEIRA LINS SUCUPIRA, João Antonio; MACHADO BELOCCHIO, João Geraldo; BAPTISTA CAMPOS, Monica; FERNANDES DA COSTA, Rosemary (orgs.). Religious Culture: dialogues. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. PUC-Rio, 2018, with the following chapters:


Publications in progress:

1. base books for CRE courses : "Christianity.