It gathers and develops research projects in the area of Systematic-Pastoral Theology that deal with the questions that modernity and its crisis pose to faith, religion, theological thought and discourse, especially regarding the conceptions of God and of the human being, dialoguing with other areas of knowledge (Philosophy, Literature and Sciences) and with other religious traditions (especially the monotheistic ones).
Mysticism and Spirituality of Daily Life
In the face of a plural religious context, the experience of Mystery as the center of religious life can overcome the temptation of absolutism and exclusivism, as well as the danger of indifferentism. The Christian's religious experience, rooted in intimacy with God, in experiencing life in depth, in the rescue of the image and likeness of this God in his life and history, all its dimensions are restored and integrated.
Incarnate spiritual theology
In a context marked by secularization we are faced with a reality characterized by the search for the sacred, witnessed by the phenomenon called "religious movement" that affects religions. In Christianity, the challenge arises for a spirituality that humanizes and integrates all the dimensions that constitute the human being, that propels him/her towards the exercise of otherness, and that avoids the distance between spirituality and social commitment.
Mysticism, Theology and Humanization
The project is linked to the Religion and Modernity research line of the PPG of PUC-Rio. It is inserted in the sub-areas of Fundamental-Systematic Theology and Practical Theology, and explores specific themes of inter-relation between systematic theology, spirituality and Christian mysticism.
Connections between theology (especially anthropology), Christian mysticism and spirituality today and throughout history. The importance of integrating the ethical, aesthetic, interpersonal, and interior spaces in humanizing spirituality. Mysticism in the modern and post-modern sociocultural context.
Theological anthropology and integral ecology
The project is linked to the Religion and Modernity research line, of the PPG of PUC-Rio. It is inserted in the sub-areas of Fundamental-Systematic Theology and Practical Theology, and deepens themes of Theological Anthropology in dialogue with the sciences that support an integral ecology, such as philosophy, ethics and the earth sciences.
Given the context of socio-environmental crisis, it investigates in what sense theological anthropology can contribute to and be challenged by an integral ecology (Laudato Si'). The research addresses theoretical and practical aspects of the interconnection between human beings, God, the cosmos, and nature. Among these aspects: interconnection between the images of God, the human being, and the cosmos; revision of the notions of sin, evil, and paradise; consideration of the anthropological-cosmic dimension of salvation; interrelation between identity formation and responsibility towards otherness; urban aspects and anthropology; deepening in the integral humanizing proposal of the Christian faith; engagement in supporting local proposals for environmental defense in line with a cosmically rooted anthropology.
"Which Mary?" Figures of Mary in the development of theology and in the pontificate of Pope Francis
The project is linked to the Research Line Religion and Modernity, of the PPG of PUC-Rio. It is inserted in the sub-areas of Fundamental-Systematic Theology and Practical Theology, and deepens in specific themes of Mariology, in historical and hermeneutical perspective.
Given the theological-critical horizon established by the Second Vatican Council and the peculiarities of popular piety, we investigate the different ways of presenting the figure of Mary in authors representative for the development of Marian theology and devotion. Which Mary (or which ones) has been presented throughout the history of theology and the development of Christian mysticism? In the post-conciliar period, the emphasis is on Marian theology in the pontificate of Pope Francis, through his main documents and the speeches and homilies at Marian shrines.
Church History and Modernity: Permanences and Changes
Research project on the relationship between modernity and Christianity, contemplating some of its repercussions in society and in Catholic intra-ecclesial life. In the West - with its Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian roots and their lasting permanence - modernity has emerged as a new civilizing cycle, bringing with it a new worldview and a new way of organizing society. This modernity impacts the Church, unleashing major transformations.
The experience of the divine in the religions of the Book
This line proposes to research comparatively the main elements of the three religions of the book: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, especially with regard to the concept and experience of God and the dynamics of the revelation of this God and the faith He arouses.
Contemporary Literature and Theological Thought
This line proposes, together with researchers from other institutions, to initiate a reflection and a bibliographical production on the relations between theology and Brazilian and world literature.
Mystics and mystics of the 20th century
In the century called "without God" the research line intends to work with life stories of men and women whose experience of God did not take them out of the world but made them elaborate an original thought that contributed to social transformation.
Crisis of Modernity and Latin American Theology
It investigates the consequences that the Crisis of Modernity and the emergence of new cultural and scientific paradigms bring to Latin American theology, be it concerning the question of method, be it concerning the new themes that appear on its horizon, be it concerning the pastoral and socio-political practices that are inspired by this theology.
It studies the importance of the socio-cultural context so that Christian salvation, in its doctrinal, ethical, and pastoral dimensions, can be grasped as such and accepted by human beings.
Ministries of service: identity, sacramentality, mission and pastoral contributions
This research project proposes to deepen several questions that gravitate around the so-called "ministries of service" of the ecclesial community, which have an important evangelizing and educating function. These ministries are realized mainly through the sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony, understood as privileged mediations that the ecclesial community possesses. At the center of the investigations of this project will be themes such as: sacramentality, order, marriage, ministeriality, and family, among others.
Current Issues in Pastoral Theology
This research project proposes to deepen several fundamental questions in the current pastoral-theological field, such as: the evolution of this discipline in the larger framework of theology; the theological-pastoral reflection produced by Vatican II; the main currents and projects of pastoral theology that have emerged in recent years, with special focus on Latin American currents and projects; the problems of special pastoral care, such as: urban pastoral care; evangelization; catechesis; religious pluralism; parish life, the relationship between ethics and pastoral care, etc.
Current Issues in Prophetic Pastoral Care
This research project proposes to deepen several questions that gravitate around the prophetic dimension of the ecclesial community, which is the place and, at the same time, carries out the pastoral ministry of leading the interlocutors of the evangelizing action to enter into dialogue with the event of God's Revelation, in his Christ. This prophetic dimension is particularly realized through the privileged mediations that the ecclesial community elaborates in the fields of witness, proclamation, catechesis, and theological formation, which will be at the center of the investigations of this project.
Applying Patristic Methodology to Contemporary Thought
It studies the contributions of the reflection of the Church Fathers in the perspective of the return to the ancient sources of Christianity, giving special attention to Methodology in Theology and Christology.
The theology of Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI
It studies the theological production of Joseph Ratzinger and the Magisterium of Benedict XVI, with emphasis in ecclesiological and liturgical-sacramental themes. Some elements of the project are developed jointly with the Ratzinger Society Brazil, the Fondazione Vaticana Joseph Ratzinger (Italy) and the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI (Regensburg).
Ecclesiology: History and Current Issues
Studies the major themes of ecclesiology in the light of their historical development and of current issues related to them. Special emphasis is given to the relationship between synodality, collegiality and primacy and their theoretical, pastoral and ecumenical implications.
Ecclesiologies and questions of laicity
To bring into the study the issues that involve ecclesiologies, their concepts, orientations, notions and perceptions, and relate them to a perspective of secularity, as a necessary horizon of understanding for dialog with society and with current human and social demands. To seek to understand the condition and position of lay Christians, that is, those who do not have religious/sacred vows, but through the living/experience of faith interact in the environment in which they live and respond autonomously to ethical, political and social issues. To point to new perspectives of action and theological and religious understandings.
Christian hope and current issues in eschatology
The objective of this project is to study, on an eschatological level, human relations in the face of conflicts in their personal life (life, birth, death, and resurrection); in their collective action (in this instance, the various expressions and contemporary theological movements and other related themes are highlighted), and in their cosmic action (ecological and cosmic issues). In order to obtain better results, the project also enables the relationship of eschatology with Christology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology. The project also makes room for the study of authors who can contribute to the development of contemporary eschatological themes.
Current Issues in Liturgical Theology
The intent of our research project is to unfold and deepen the essential topics that concern the intrinsic relationship existing between "theology" and "liturgy". The aim is to draw out the catechetical-pastoral consequences of such a relationship.
Questions about the Church and dialogues
We study issues of the Church - in her nature, faith, worship and praxis, and her life, presence and mission in the world, in view of their interest for ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, and issues of the significance or achievements of dialogues, important for theological-pastoral reflection and the life of the Church.
Laudato Si' in the Anthropocene: Integral Ecology & the Architecture of Ecumenical Care
Study on issues raised from Laudato Si' from the perspective of the Anthropocene and architecture of ecumenical care. Highlights include: Integral ecology. Home and care. Creation, image, economy and ecumenism. Anthropocentrism and humanism. Dialog and mission. Fraternity and peace. Hospitality. Happy sobriety and evangelical poverty. Technology and responsibility. Educational perspectives. Theology, Bible and other knowledges. Culture of encounter and dialogue. Encounter and dialogue of sciences, religions and cultures in the Anthropocene and for an integral ecology.