This line of research, following the methods proper to biblical science, seeks not only to study biblical texts and their historical, social, and cultural environment, but also to apply and evaluate the various exegetical methods and the new hermeneutical and textual analysis approaches.



Methodology and Intertertextuality: The use of the OT in the Gospels
St. Augustine already translated this relationship by affirming that the New Testament is latent in the Old and the Old is patent in the New (Quaest. in Hept. 2,73). Currently, the method of reading the NT from the use of OT texts has become popular in Brazil with the translation of the work of G.K. BEALE, "The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament: Exegesis and Interpretation. São Paulo: Vida Nova, 2013. He is one of many authors who have addressed the topic. The present project aims to analyze the use of Old Testament passages in the Gospels, highlighting their continuity, new intuitions or ruptures.

Exegesis of Texts from the Synoptic Gospels
The Gospels occupy a prominent place in the canon of the New Testament. Dei Verbum itself indicates this when it says that "no one is unaware that among all the Scriptures, even those of the New Testament, the Gospels have the first place, since they are the principal witness to the life and teaching of the Incarnate Word, our Savior" (n. 18). This line of research has as its objective the analysis of texts from the Synoptic Gospels, aiming at a deeper understanding of their theology, highlighting themes such as Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, eschatology, and ethics, among others. In addition, the history of the interpretation of the texts will serve to perceive the advance in the understanding of singular passages.


Continuity, discontinuity and unity in the relations between the Old and New Testaments: methodologies and interdisciplinarity
In this line of research, we seek to interpret and understand NT texts, perceiving what is common and what is different between the two Testaments, entering more deeply into the novelty of the NT in relation to the OT (cf. Heb 1:1-2). The key to reading and interpretation is Jesus of Nazareth, recognized as the Messiah and proclaimed Son of God, the fullness of Revelation and, therefore, the exegete par excellence who guarantees the authentic interpretation of the OT (cf. Lk 24:27), as did the authors of the NT. In addition, the project deepens the biblical dynamic that guides the exegetical work, the theological reflection and the challenges that a pastoral ministry has in terms of updating the message of the biblical texts in the various contexts of ecclesial and social life.


Themes inherent to the Pentateuch
The project seeks to articulate certain themes that are inherent in the Pentateuch and that have a bearing on the social, cultural, and religious organization of post-exilic Israel: the figure and role of Moses; the sublimity of Zion; the centrality of the place of worship in Jerusalem; the reforms undertaken by Ezra and Nehemiah and their consequences; the hope placed in the monarchy, the priesthood, and messianism.


Biblical Exegesis of the Old Testament: Interpretation and canonical reading of prophetic texts 
The project seeks to identify and determine the prophetic themes that help to understand the elements that would be at the origin of the different theologies present in the Old Testament from its final and canonical form. Among the main themes are: the yôm YHWH; the sublimity of Zion; the monarchy, the priesthood and the prophets in conflict; the Torah in the prophets; the dynamics and influence of the exodus in prophetic texts; the messianic vocation, between identity and mission in biblical prophetism; teshuvah in and of the prophets; social justice and the value of the human person; prophetic mediation as reconciliation and re-establishment of social and family justice. This research project expands and enriches the projects that are already underway in the Biblical area of the Department of Theology at PUC-Rio, for it contemplates new spaces and forms of approaches to the Bible that are attentive to religious phenomena in expansion. This line of research offers undergraduate students, future and potential candidates for master's and doctorate degrees, the possibility to deepen certain prophetic themes within a perspective that also considers the dimension, the reading and the canonical interpretation of the Bible using a scientific methodology appropriate to the texts. With this, there is an insertion of the student body in the current academic debate in the area of Biblical Theology, which seeks to perceive and propose the internal coherence of the different themes present in the books that make up the Bible. Great emphasis is given, in this field, to the prophetic writings, because in them the various and different points of contact are sought with the central themes of the Pentateuch, the Historical Books and the Sapiential Books. This integration helps to perceive the relationships and the internal dynamics that permeate the Bible as an organic and articulated whole, according to the development of the historical-literary plan of the biblical texts. It favors the position of those who approach these texts in order to find in them both the literal and the spiritual meaning.



Tradition and Biblical Literature
Study of the tradition preceding and following the written crystallization of the Bible, analyzing the following themes: the passage from revelation to oral and written tradition; the question of the inspiration of the sacred texts; the manuscript tradition; the formation of the set of sacred texts; the consequent tradition and the interpretation of biblical texts. The phenomenon of intra-biblical re-readings will also be considered, whether between Old Testament texts or between texts of the two Testaments.


Institution and theology in the Old Testament
Study of the main institutions of the Old Testament and their theological value in various text types. Institutions to be studied: the monarchy; the priesthood and the temple.


The Hebrew verbal system in biblical prophetic literature
Study of the functioning of Hebrew verbal forms in narrative and poetic literature from the perspective of textual linguistics.



Analysis of the Biblical and Extrabiblical books of the New Testament
Analysis of the various corpora of the New Testament: Synoptic Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Johannine corpus (Gospel, Letters and Revelation), corpus of the Pauline Letters, corpus of the Catholic Letters and Hebrews, Apocrypha or Pseudepigraphs of the New Testament. Exegesis and interpretation of texts from the Biblical and Extrabiblical books of the NT, as well as analysis of the NT Canon.


Themes inherent to the New Testament
The project seeks to study themes that are inherent to the New Testament in order to understand the historical and religious scope and dimension of the texts, as well as the socio-cultural phenomena surrounding them.


Semitic Biblical Rhetorical Analysis
Conduct studies to deepen knowledge of the Semitic Biblical Rhetorical Analysis Method, applying it to texts from the Old Testament and New Testament, from Biblical and Extrabiblical books. This Project is closely linked to the Research Group with CNPq, led by the same professor.
Start: 2019